16 Enchanting Game of Thrones Inspired Vows to Make Your Wedding Ceremony Truly Epic

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For millions worldwide, Game of Thrones captured hearts and minds with its gripping narratives, complex characters, and unforgettable dialogues. If you and your partner are among the countless fans who were enthralled by the epic saga of Westeros, incorporating Game of Thrones (GoT) inspired vows into your wedding can lend a truly unique and enchanting touch.

TheGame of Thrones phenomenon took the world by storm, transcending the realm of entertainment to become a cultural touchstone. From the intricate political machinations to the breathtaking fantasy elements, the series transported viewers to a richly detailed world where honor, duty, and love were constantly tested. It’s no wonder that legions of fans found themselves deeply invested in the fates of their favorite characters and houses.

For couples who share this passion for the Game of Thrones universe, infusing their wedding vows with the spirit of the series can create an unforgettable and profoundly personal experience. Just as the characters of Westeros faced epic challenges and embodied timeless virtues, your vows can draw from their iconic narratives to express the depth of your commitment and the strength of your bond.

Pledging Your Undying Love, GoT Style

Pledging Your Undying Love, GoT Style

Few romances in the series burned as passionately as the love between Jon Snow and the wildling Ygritte, Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, or the fierce devotion of Khal Drogo for his Khaleesi, Daenerys. Draw inspiration from these iconic pairings to pledge your undying love:

“From this day until the end of my days, I will love you fiercely, passionately, and unendingly. My heart is yours, as it has always been and will forever more.”

Their love defied boundaries, withstood wars, and transcended lifetimes—much like the love you and your partner share. The soulful connection between Jon and Ygritte, born of unlikely circumstances, bloomed into a romance for the ages. Rhaegar’s devotion to Lyanna was so all-consuming that it reshaped the very fate of Westeros. And Khal Drogo’s unwavering adoration for his Khaleesi was the spark that ignited her transformation into the Mother of Dragons.

By echoing the fervor and intensity of these fabled loves, your vows will capture the essence of a bond that knows no limits, one that can withstand any trial or hardship. Just as these iconic couples braved the harshest of circumstances, your declaration of eternal devotion will serve as a testament to the unbreakable nature of your love.

Vows of Loyalty and Devotion

In the harsh, unforgiving world of Game of Thrones, few bonds were as sacred as those of loyalty and devotion. The Stark children’s unwavering allegiance to one another and the Unsullied Army’s steadfast service to the Mother of Dragons are prime examples:

“I vow to stand beside you against all others, to protect you and keep you safe, until the end of my days. Through winter’s chill and summer’s swelter, you shall never walk alone.”

Such vows capture the essence of an enduring partnership, a promise to weather every storm life brings, side by side. The Stark siblings exemplified this unshakable solidarity, banding together through unimaginable adversity and tragedy. From Robb’s steadfast leadership to Sansa’s resilience to Arya’s indomitable spirit, their bond was forged in fire and tempered by the cruelest of fates.

Likewise, the Unsullied, once branded as mere chattel slaves, found newfound purpose and allegiance in serving the remarkable Daenerys Targaryen. Their loyalty was absolute, their commitment unwavering—a brotherhood sworn to protect their queen and the values she embodied.

By vowing to stand as an unbreakable unit, you and your partner invoke the spirit of these legendary alliances. Come what may, you pledge to be each other’s constant ally, a source of strength and solace through every high and low. With such devotion as your foundation, no obstacle will be too daunting, no challenge too formidable.

Vows of Strength and Resilience

From Arya Stark’s unbreakable spirit to Brienne of Tarth’s formidable skill to Daenerys Targaryen’s indomitable will, the women of Game of Thrones embodied strength and resilience. Let their fortitude inspire your vows:

“I vow to be your strength when you are weak, your hope when you have lost faith, and your courage when you feel afraid. Together, we will brave any hardship, conquer any challenge.”

These words speak to the power of standing united, of being each other’s solid foundation through life’s trials and tribulations. Arya Stark, in particular, exemplified this indomitable spirit, persevering through unspeakable trauma and loss to emerge as a skilled, fearless warrior. Her journey was one of constant adaptation, of finding the inner reserves to survive against all odds.

Brienne of Tarth, too, defied societal expectations and gender norms to become a formidable knight, her valor and honor renowned across the Seven Kingdoms. And Daenerys Targaryen, the last scion of an ancient dynasty, overcame exploitation, abuse, and exile to reclaim her birthright and ascend as a powerful, merciful leader.

When you vow to be each other’s source of strength, hope, and courage, you tap into this wellspring of resilience that defined the heroines of Game of Thrones. No matter what adversities you may face, you pledge to be the unflinching pillars that support one another, bolstering each other’s resolve and reigniting each other’s spirit when shadows loom.

Romantic Vows Fit for Royalty

Romantic Vows Fit for Royalty

The Great Houses of Westeros were no strangers to grand romantic gestures. Rhaegar Targaryen’s love for Lyanna Stark sparked a war, while Jorah Mormont’s devotion to Khaleesi was unshakable. Channel their passion with vows befitting royalty:

“I would cross the Narrow Sea and brave the fires of a thousand dragons to be by your side. For you, my love, no journey is too far, no sacrifice too great.”

Such sweeping declarations capture the intensity of a love that knows no bounds, one worthy of songs and legends. Rhaegar’s infatuation with the beautiful Lyanna was so all-consuming that it incited the cataclysmic events of Robert’s Rebellion, forever altering the landscape of power in Westeros. And Ser Jorah Mormont’s unrequited adoration for Daenerys Targaryen was a constant, his loyalty to her cause never wavering, even in the face of exile and disgrace.

When you utter vows of such grand romanticism, you elevate your love to epic proportions. You proclaim that no distance is too vast, no obstacle too daunting to keep you apart. Much like the legendary figures of Westeros lore, your dedication is absolute, your passion unquenchable.

These sweeping vows are befitting of the grandest of love stories, calling to mind the chivalric traditions of Westeros. By speaking such impassioned words, you pay homage to the timeless ideals of courtly love and knightly devotion that permeated the ethos of the Great Houses.

Vows of Honor and Duty

From the honorable Ned Stark to the noble Jon Snow to the ever-loyal Ser Jorah Mormont, upholding one’s duty and principles was a core tenet in Game of Thrones. Reflect this in your vows:

“I vow to honor and cherish you, to uphold the values we share, and to always strive to be worthy of your love and respect. My commitment to you shall be as unwavering as my code.”

These words speak to the seriousness of the marital bond, a solemn oath to cherish and respect one another always. In the unforgiving realm of Westeros, where betrayal and deceit were all too common, characters like Ned Stark and Jon Snow stood as beacons of integrity and moral fortitude.

Ned Stark’s unwavering honor, even in the face of death, was a quality that transcended his status as Lord of Winterfell. His principles were inviolable, his sense of duty to his family and people paramount. Jon Snow, too, embodied these virtues, his resilience and nobility emerging as he grappled with his true lineage and the weight of his destiny.

When you invoke the language of honor and duty in your vows, you pay tribute to these iconic figures who placed utmost value on upholding their ethical codes. You vow to uphold the shared values and principles that form the bedrock of your union, pledging to always conduct yourselves with respect, fidelity, and an abiding commitment to your sacred vows.

Just as the honorable lords and knights of Westeros were guided by their uncompromising moral compasses, so too will you and your partner navigate life’s journey with integrity as your lodestar. This solemn vow imbues your marriage with a sense of gravitas and purpose, elevating your love to a union of unwavering principles and mutual esteem.

Witty and Playful GoT Vows

Witty and Playful GoT Vows

Not all Game of Thrones characters were brooding and solemn. The witty repartee of Tyrion Lannister or the sharp tongue of Olenna Tyrell added moments of levity. Incorporate that spirit with vows that are playful yet heartfelt:

“I vow to love you truly, madly, deeply…and to always let you have the last word—unless, of course, I happen to be right. Which will be often, but not as often as you, my love.”

A touch of humor can counterbalance the weight of the wedding vows, showcasing the unique dynamic you and your partner share. In a world as dark and unforgiving as the one depicted in Game of Thrones, moments of laughter and levity were all the more precious.

Tyrion Lannister’s sharp wit and penchant for clever quips provided much-needed respite from the constant turmoil and tragedy that plagued his family. His ability to find humor, even in the direst of circumstances, was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Lady Olenna Tyrell, too, was a master of the cutting remark, her barbed tongue and acerbic observations often puncturing the pomposity of those around her. Yet, beneath her caustic exterior lay a fierce love for her family and an uncompromising determination to preserve the Tyrell legacy.

When you incorporate elements of this trademark Game of Thrones wit into your vows, you inject a sense of playfulness and levity into the proceedings. These moments of lightness provide a counterpoint to the weightier vows of honor, loyalty, and devotion, allowing your unique personalities and the affection you share to shine through.

GoT InspirationExample Vow
Jon Snow & Ygritte’s Love“From this day until the end of my days, I will love you fiercely, passionately, and unendingly.”
The Stark Children’s Loyalty“I vow to stand beside you against all others, to protect you and keep you safe, until the end of my days.”
Arya Stark’s Resilience“I vow to be your strength when you are weak, your hope when you have lost faith, and your courage when you feel afraid.”
Rhaegar & Lyanna’s Passion“I would cross the Narrow Sea and brave the fires of a thousand dragons to be by your side.”
Ned Stark’s Honor“I vow to honor and cherish you, to uphold the values we share, and to always strive to be worthy of your love and respect.”
Tyrion Lannister’s Wit“I vow to love you truly, madly, deeply…and to always let you have the last word—unless, of course, I happen to be right.”

No matter which path you choose, weaving elements of Game of Thrones into your wedding vows is sure to delight guests and make the ceremony all the more memorable. After all, your love story, like the tales of Westeros, is one for the ages—epic, transcendent, and destined to become legend.

“When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.” – Loras Tyrell

So let the verses of your vows echo the grandeur and passion of the Game of Thrones universe. Whether you draw from the ferocious devotion of Khal and Khaleesi or the unbreakable Stark family bonds, your guests will be swept away by the magic and romance of it all. And may the love you and your partner share burn as bright and eternal as the fires of the dragon queen’s children.


As you craft your vows, drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of Game of Thrones, remember that the most enduring love stories are those that transcend the films, books, and shows that gave them life. Your love, your bond, is its own epic tale, one that will be written through your actions, your struggles, your triumphs in the years to come.

The vows you exchange on your wedding day are not just words, but a solemn pact, a devotion as unbreakable as the great houses that waged war for the Iron Throne. Let the spirit of Game of Thrones imbue your ceremony with passion, honor, resilience, and yes, a dash of humor. For in choosing to walk through life as partners, as allies against all that dares to divide you, you begin your own quest for the forever love that is the ultimate prize. What is wed can never be undone, or so the vows shall seal. And may your love story ultimately outshine even the grandest legends of Westeros.

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