Sally McNeil: Bio – Age, Net Worth, Height, Spouse, Family

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February 14th, 1995 began like any other day for Sally and Ray McNeil. By nightfall, Ray would be dead at the hands of his wife, renowned female bodybuilder Sally McNeil. This brutal domestic Valentine’s Day murder sent shockwaves through the bodybuilding community, forever changing the sport and ruining Sally’s career at its peak.

But who is Sally McNeil? And what series of events led her to commit this horrific crime against her husband Ray? This comprehensive article will explore McNeil’s background and early life, her rise to success in female bodybuilding, her turbulent marriage and steroid use, the bloody details of Ray’s murder, Sally’s high-profile trial and conviction, her long imprisonment, and finally her recent release on parole.

Exploring Sally McNeil’s Net Worth in 2023

As of 2023, Sally McNeil’s estimated net worth stands at approximately $900 thousand. A significant portion of this wealth originates from her career as a professional bodybuilder. In addition to her success in bodybuilding, McNeil has also generated substantial earnings through her work as a fitness model and coach.

This comprehensive overview delves into the various facets of Sally McNeil’s life, including her early beginnings, personal experiences, professional milestones, achievements, and any accolades she may have received throughout her diverse career.

Annual Earnings and Expenditures of Sally McNeil

Sally McNeil’s unique source of income included making wrestling videos, often termed as muscle worship. In these sessions, men paid to wrestle with her, a female bodybuilder, while being recorded. For this service, she charged around $300 per hour.

Annually, from these wrestling exercises alone, McNeil earned about $20,000. A significant portion of her earnings was invested back into the bodybuilding industry, specifically towards her husband’s career. Notably, in 1993, she spent a substantial amount of $24,000 on steroids for her former husband, Ray McNeil, highlighting the considerable financial commitment she made towards supporting his bodybuilding endeavors.

Tracing Sally McNeil’s Financial Journey and Post-Prison Life

Tracing Sally McNeil's Financial Journey and Post-Prison Life

Sally McNeil’s net worth was significantly higher at the peak of her career, reaching into the millions. It experienced a sharp decline due to substantial expenditures on her court case and during her time in prison. Post-release, she has taken up employment in a warehouse, indicating a shift in her professional life.

During her career height, McNeil’s primary source of income was from muscle prostitution. She earned through modeling for various fitness brands and winning multiple bodybuilding competitions. Her professional wrestling career also contributed significantly to her wealth.

Before venturing into wrestling, McNeil served in the US Military, specifically in the Marines, where she earned a substantial income before being discharged.

In a turn of events, after her release from prison in 2020, Sally McNeil’s life story gained renewed attention through a Netflix docuseries titled “Killer Sally.” This series, spanning three seasons, featured McNeil herself and provided her with a new income source, reflecting her story’s continued impact and public interest.

Sally McNeil: A Detailed Biography of ‘Killer Sally’

Sally McNeil, known as “Killer Sally,” was born on September 30, 1960, in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA. Now 63 years old, her early life was marked by familial turmoil in a Caucasian household plagued by violence. A distressing incident during her mother’s pregnancy with her involved her father, Richard Dale Dempsey, inflicting harm.

McNeil’s childhood was challenging, shadowed by her father’s alcoholism and abuse towards her mother. At the age of 3, her life saw a change when her mother remarried, resulting in Sally having two half-sisters, Judi and Jill.

Sally’s academic journey included completing her education at Dieruff High School in Allentown. There, she actively participated in swimming, diving, and track and field teams. Her ambition led her to East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, where she aspired to become a gym instructor. Financial constraints forced her to drop out after three and a half years.

Biographical Summary:

Name: Sally McNeil
Nickname: Killer Sally
Gender: Female
Age: 62 (as of 2023)
Date of Birth: September 30, 1960
Place of Birth: Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA
Nationality: American
Height: 1.60m
Weight: 68kg
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Norfleet Stewart
Children: John and Shantina
Parents: Richard Dale Dempsey (Father)
Career: Bodybuilding and Wrestling
Net Worth: $800 Thousand
Education: East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

Early Life and Developing Passion for Bodybuilding

Early Life and Developing Passion for Bodybuilding

Sally McNeil was born in San Diego, California in 1964. As a child and teenager, she was attracted to sports and athletics. Sally began recreational strength training and working out in her late teens. Fitness quickly became her passion.

In the mid-1980s, an amateur Sally McNeil entered her first bodybuilding competition. This marked the start of her competitive career and rapid rise to prominence in the industry.

Between 1985 and 1995, Sally McNeil went on to win several major titles:

  • 1985 Physique Committee of the Americas (PCA) championships
  • 1989 Miss California
  • 1992 National Physique Committee (NPC) Nationals
  • 1995 Ms. Olympia

Sally’s hard work and relentless training delivered outstanding results. She sculpted an extremely muscular physique featuring wide shoulders, massive arms, a broad back, and most noticeably – hugely developed legs. Sally was considered revolutionary as a woman for packing on so much muscle mass and definition.

Her impressive leg development became her signature as a professional bodybuilder. Sally’s quads, hamstrings, and calves were her most dominate muscle groups. She could squat over 400 pounds with ease.

McNeil’s dedication in the gym and genetics gave her the tools to ascend in the female bodybuilding scene. Her physique was viewed by some as unattractive or extreme for a woman at the time. But there was no denying her expertise in building strength and muscle.

Once Sally began winning major contests and titles, she attracted sponsors from top supplement brands. MuscleTech and Twinlab both signed Sally to substantial endorsement deals. She appeared in numerous fitness magazines, on bodybuilding websites, and other media.

Between her contest winnings, sponsor payments, and other income streams, Sally McNeil achieved a respectable net worth and comfortable lifestyle. While specific figures are unclear, her assets likely totaled in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range at her peak.

With her unparalleled muscular development and multiple major titles, many consider Sally McNeil a legend in the world of professional female bodybuilding. She reached the pinnacle of the sport during her competitive peak in the 1990s.

Marriage to Ray McNeil

Marriage to Ray McNeil

In 1985, Sally met Ray McNeil at a California gym where they both worked out and bodybuilt. Ray was an active duty Marine and amateur bodybuilder attempting to turn pro. The connection was instant – Ray and Sally quickly began dating.

Ray was enamored with Sally’s rugged, muscular physique. And they bonded over their shared love of lifting, fitness, competition, and pushing their bodies to the limit. After dating for about a year, Sally and Ray married in 1986.

Over the next several years, Ray left the Marines but continued civilian employment related to the military. He and Sally had a son together in 1987. Their family grew again with a daughter born in 1989.

But behind closed doors, major problems plagued their marriage. Ray has been described as a violent, jealous, and abusive man by Sally and others close to them.

Both Sally and Ray were known to have extramarital affairs. Some reports indicate Ray carried on long-term relationships with other women during the marriage. Sally had an affair with a 19 year old man that began in 1994, a year before Ray’s death.

Exacerbating all of this, both Sally and Ray were known to use anabolic steroids for performance enhancement connected to their bodybuilding. Long term steroid use can cause extreme mood disorders, aggression, volatility, violence and psychosis in some individuals.

Clearly, the combination of physical abuse, infidelity by both parties, and possible steroid-induced mental health issues created a combustible environment. Yet, Sally and Ray remained together with their two children despite the dysfunction.

Bloody Murder on Valentine’s Day

On February 14th, 1995 – Valentine’s Day, the volatile situation between Sally and Ray McNeil exploded in horrific fashion. They had argued heatedly the night before, nearly coming to blows.

That fateful morning, Sally maintains Ray became enraged and threatened her life during another intense argument at their Oceanside, California home. Feeling terrified and acting instinctively, Sally retrieved a 12-gauge shotgun.

She fired multiple shots at Ray, striking him in the abdomen, chest, face and neck. Ray died on the floor from massive blood loss. Sally killed Ray just feet away from where their young son and daughter slept.

In the moments after the shooting, Sally claims she attempted to save Ray’s life. But the wounds were catastrophic and he died within minutes. Sally called 911 and admitted she shot Ray but alleged it was in self-defense, fearing for her life at the hands of an abusive husband.

Police arrived to find Sally covered in Ray’s blood, growing cold on the kitchen floor. She continually pleaded that she had no choice but to use lethal force to protect herself and the children.

But the physical evidence at the scene did not appear to fully support Sally’s version of events. Based on blood patterns and shell casings, the police believed Sally likely shot Ray from multiple angles and from a distance. This contradicted her self-defense story.

Sally McNeil was arrested and charged with second-degree murder and assault with a firearm. The bodybuilding community and national media closely followed the case due to its shocking nature.

High Profile Trial and Conviction

Sally maintained her complete innocence. She claimed Ray’s history of violence and the actions that night justified her use of deadly force in self defense.

The prosecution painted Sally as a cold, calculating and overly jealous killer – not a battered wife desperately fighting off an attack as she claimed.

The trial became a referendum on steroid abuse and domestic violence between two spouses involved in a dangerous lifestyle of drugs and hyper-competitiveness. Both sides marshaled evidence and experts supporting their version of events.

But ultimately the jury did not buy Sally’s self-defense rationale. The physical evidence suggested a more deliberate murder.  After a lengthy trial, Sally McNeil was convicted of second-degree murder in 1995 for the killing of her husband Ray on Valentine’s Day.

The judge sentenced Sally to 19 years to life in prison. Members of the bodybuilding community who knew the McNeils were split on the justness of the conviction. Some believed Sally murdered in a jealous, steroid-fueled rage. Others saw her as an abused spouse who snapped.

Sally McNeil maintained her innocence even after the conviction. She vowed to appeal and fight to overturn the verdict against her. But those appeals would languish as Sally adjusted to life inside prison walls.

Imprisonment at Central California Women’s Facility

Following her conviction for Ray’s murder, Sally McNeil began serving her 19 years to life sentence. She was transported to the Central California Women’s Facility outside Chowchilla, California.

The prison housed Sally for the next 25 years as she unsuccessfully appealed her case numerous times. Her children grew up without their mother and were raised primarily by Sally’s parents.

By all accounts, Sally kept out of trouble and away from violence within the prison system. She participated in counseling, education courses, and vocational programs offered at the facility.

Sally took up tennis while incarcerated to stay active in lieu of bodybuilding. She played for years to clear her mind. According to interviews, she mailed supportive letters to her daughter each week without fail.

But as a convicted murderer sentenced to life, Sally seemed resigned to die behind bars. She passed the years quietly and routinely until approaching her first parole hearing in 2008.

Parole Granted After 25 Years

The parole board denied Sally’s 2008 petition for release, ruling she still posed a risk to public safety. This result was expected given the seriousness of her crime.

Over the next 12 years, Sally came up for periodic parole reviews. Each time she was denied as the board wanted to see more evidence of rehabilitation. Her conviction for murdering Ray weighed too heavily for approval.

Finally in 2020, the parole board deemed that Sally McNeil, now 55 years old, had served sufficient time for Ray’s murder. They ruled she posed a low risk if closely supervised in the community.

After 25 years in prison, Sally was granted parole in California. She had spent over half her life incarcerated for the Valentine’s Day killing.

McNeil was released from the correctional facility in 2021 under community supervision parole guidelines. Very little information exists about her current circumstances or whereabouts after she left prison.

Now age 58 in 2023, where is Sally McNeil today? What is her life like after being imprisoned for decades? Has she accepted responsibility for Ray’s death or does she maintain her innocence? Sally has avoided media and public attention since gaining freedom.

Sally McNeil: Decoding the Multifaceted Personality in 2024

Sally McNeil Decoding the Multifaceted Personality in 2024

As the year 2024 unfolds, curiosity surrounding the life and accomplishments of Sally McNeil continues to pique interest across various spheres. This multitalented individual has carved a niche for herself, captivating audiences with her unique blend of talent, charisma, and authenticity. 

At the heart of this intrigue lies a desire to unravel the intricate details that make up her persona – from her age and physical stature to her accumulated wealth and familial ties. With each passing year, McNeil’s impact seems to grow, leaving admirers and critics alike eager to dissect the nuances that have propelled her to the forefront of her chosen field. As the spotlight intensifies in 2024, the world eagerly awaits a comprehensive glimpse into the life of this enigmatic figure, decoding the layers that have contributed to her meteoric rise and enduring influence.


Sally McNeil’s rise and fall is a complex tragedy. She achieved the greatest heights in her sport of female bodybuilding, only to see her life unravel in a deadly domestic dispute. McNeil’s murder conviction halted her ascendance prematurely. Her legacy is forever tainted by this crime of passion committed at the peak of her career.

The case still sparks debate about self-defense, steroid abuse, victimhood, and other issues surrounding that fateful night. But regardless of one’s view, the brutal shotgun murder of Ray McNeil by his wife Sally rocked the bodybuilding community to its core.

Sally served over two decades of hard time for actions she continues to maintain were justifiable self-defense. Now released but still branded a murderer, only she knows the full truth of how a champion female bodybuilder came to kill her husband on Valentine’s Day.

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